Sound & Movement Sanctuary......

A Home for Healing ~ Connect...Express...Play...Dance...Breathe...Move...Heal

What is Movement Psychotherapy?  

Dance Movement Psychotherapy (DMP), here called Movement Psychotherapy,  is a relational process where client and therapist use body movement as an instrument of communication during the therapy process. “DMP is an empathic creative process practiced as individual and group therapy in clinical, community, and educational settings, as well as in private practice.  ADMP UK serves to uphold professional standards within the field of Dance Movement Psychotherapy, overseeing the professional codes of conduct for the profession.” (ADMP, UK)  

What does a Movement Psychotherapy session look like? 

Creating a natural therapeutic environment including soothing music, natural lighting and props for encouraging movement explorations I start a session with a client by checking in either verbally or with movement. Following the clients needs we can move together in a simple warm up, I can guide a client in somatic awareness exercises and depending on the needs of the client we can either share verbally or move together. When moving together I use empathic attunement, or feeling where the client is through their movements and reflect this back to them. We can further explore emotions  and relational interactions that arise from movement together. Depending on the clients needs we can communicate verbally or non-verbally. I bring sounds, rhythm, breathing-awareness and music as options to explore in the space. The aim is to build trust within the therapeutic relationship and help the client to gain trust in themselves and to more fully understand their emotions and mental states using the body as an instrument. We can end the session with a check out either verbally or movement based. 

I believe everyone can move through trauma held in the body by re-building trust within the therapeutic relationship and enabling the body to express difficult emotions. 

Sessions can be held on Zoom, in-person and in nature. I start private one-to-one & group sessions in August 2021.

The Association for Dance Movement Psychotherapy governs the profession in the UK